The project


We're soon to be a group of travellers hitting the road together and teaching each others our specialities. We like to study everything! We are lovers of the sciences and arts who feel like wanting to know more about this world and to increase our natural abilities. We wanted to study a lot of different things but not to stop traveling so we're trying to build this caravan up.

We'll try to use the knowledge from psychology, neurosciences and chronobiology to set up a big bunch of courses while keeping our learning time smooth and efficient. And as sharing is caring, we will try to give some workshops around in little villages we cross.

We don't have any vehicule for the moment so we consider this to be a hitchhikking caravan. Things may change before it starts and things may change after. Travelers are deeply attached to freedom, we don't want the caravan to follow already planned tracks; but we're planning to follow the coasts to the east, to have a nice weather during the winter. We will do as we always do: recycle our food from the bins, sleeping outside or in welcoming places, playing music and giving shows to earn money, ... so picture this like a big-traveling-team-of-nerdy-hippies-kind-of, not like an academic tour at all!

For the moment the courses already planned are: painting (fine art), costume crafting, dance (tribal/freefusion), anatomy, photography, anthropology, singing, and languages (proper English, French, and more coming...). It might change, we're in a moving world, that's why we're looking for people hungry for every kind of knowledge.

If you want to join us, please introduce yourself on our forum. Getting how it works will be your first test, mwahahaha! Here it is:
It's a very practical tool we can use to get to know each other. You can also directly come to St-Thomas-les-bains during the 5th september's week, but we only save the places to people that communicate regularly on the forum, as people never say when they actually change their plans, and as we don't want to be more than 15 people (for the beginning at least!).

If you want to join, you have to know that this is a drug free caravan. We're here to push each other up, if you absolutely want to take something then we shouldn't see it: so when someone wants to smoke for example, he/she hides his/herself in order not to tempt the others; when someone drinks, he/she doesn't get drunk and doesn't ask people to drink with him/her; when people do other drugs, make sure it doesn't bring problems to the whole group. It’s also very nice to be in a healthy environment! :)

Also we don't do spirituality as courses, we prefer to think that the answer is inside each of us and that we should always stay free from gurus. These things are personal, but no one will mind you praying or meditating of course!

That's all for now, please feel free to give us suggestions, invitations, to ask questions, and to share this to people that may feel connected to this idea! :) To contact us or subscribe to the newsletter please write at

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